North Pole, Arctic Circle – In a shocking turn of events, the North Pole workplace has been struck by its first-ever “Lost Time Accident” in nearly a century of operation, following a tense 72-hour strike by Santa’s Elves. The incident occurred at the very moment the elves finally agreed to return to the assembly line after weeks of demands for better candy cane breaks and larger hot cocoa rations. The casualty? A replacement worker from Mississippi, John David Hogg, who lost his middle finger in a chaotic scuffle with several striking elves.
“I knew it was gonna be a tough gig,” said Hogg, still in stable condition and receiving medical treatment in the Santa Claus Emergency Care Unit (SCECU). “I mean, I got a call from my cousin Bucky who said, ‘Boy, it’s cold up there. And don’t let no short people boss ya around.’ I didn’t think he meant literally short people. Them elves are wild.”
Hogg, a self-proclaimed “jack-of-all-trades and master of none,” had been hired as a temporary worker after the elf strike shut down toy production. The Mississippi native was assigned to help in the “Magical Reindeer Care & Maintenance” division.
“They’re real feisty, you know? Real aggressive. I was standing there, thinking about going to get a coke. One of ‘em, Elfie, grabbed a mistletoe and just… snapped it like a twig. Next thing I know, half the place is in a brawl over it,” Hogg continued, visibly shaking. “I don’t even know how my finger got caught in that mess. One second, I’m cleaning reindeer hooves, the next thing I’m in the emergency room. The little sucker called me names, too!”
The “accident”, described by onlookers as a “frenzied scrap over workplace turf,” occurred in the newly opened “Santa’s Sleigh Loading Zone,” a space previously reserved for snack breaks and excessive reindeer selfies. Elf union attorney Trixie Twinkletoes was quick to downplay any elf involvement, stating, “It was a misunderstanding. We’ve been through a lot, okay? The elves needed a few days to vent. We’re not violent—unless you count all the snowball fights and the occasional ornamental sabotage.”

Union Rat
In a twist, the elves have demanded a full investigation into whether Hogg’s middle finger loss was actually caused by “union busting” tactics, rather than mere human error. “We don’t appreciate outsiders coming in and trying to replace us,” said Twinkletoes, rubbing her hands together like she had something seriously mischievous on her mind. “And frankly, the middle finger is sacred to us. It’s a symbol of our collective spirit… and sometimes, it’s just fun to flick.”
Dr. Mary Kringle, head of the SCECU, confirmed Hogg’s injury wasn’t life-threatening, though she noted that he might never be able to give “the world’s most unimpressed wave” again. “We’ve stabilized him, but he’s going to need some serious therapy. Elf trauma is no joke,” Kringle said, waving her hand dismissively as if to underscore the gravity of the situation.
Hogg, for his part, has not ruled out future work at the North Pole, though he is reportedly considering a career change. “Maybe I’ll just go work for the Walmarts back home. At least I know what kind of job I’m getting into,” he said with a half-hearted grin.
As for the elves, their demands for a “three-day paid snowball fight” and a “12-hour uninterrupted nap period” continue to be under negotiation.
Stay tuned for updates on this rapidly developing situation — and remember, folks: Never underestimate the fury of a slightly disgruntled elf on caffeine.